Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Buddhism Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Buddhism Philosophy - Essay Example It is clear that everything in the world according to Buddhism has a purpose and is subject to change to fit their purpose. Every component in the environment has a connection that affects another with none having a permanent state. From the text, it is clear that healing according to Buddhism involves physical, emotional and spiritual in recovery from sickness (Barry, 22). It takes the holistic perspective that differentiates it from the conventional treatment that only considers treating the symptoms. However, the philosophies of Buddhism differ from other religions by purporting that there is no resemblance to God or future immortality. The differences originate from the perspective that everything is subject to change.The article extinguishes education, economic status, culture and social life as factors that affect people’s health. All these show the relationship of individual being with the environment where they live. There is a need to consider all relevant factors whi le dealing with health and diseases to ensure better prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. People always cause an impact on the surrounding and at the same time, the environment acts on them. Hence, Buddhism takes into consideration of mental, social and physical health status of a person when considering the healing process since there is interconnection in all. Treating the physical symptoms is just a section of the healing process. Suffering also forms part of human life that only ends when they cut links with things from the world.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sustainable Forest Management Concepts

Sustainable Forest Management Concepts CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Background of SFM The sustainable forest management idea has been promoted for the past 20 years in government of Sabah since 1989 but there had not been any serious attempt to put such idea into any effective practice. To solve this challenge, the BN State Government ensured that SFM is implemented in all future forest related activities (SFD, 1998). Seven main elements of SFM which act as a reference framework for sustainable forest management are the extent of forest resources; forest biological diversity; forest health and vitality; productive functions of forest resources; protective functions of forest resources; socio-economic functions of forests; and the legal, policy and institutional framework (Sarre Sabogal, 2013). All the main stakeholders involved in forest management such as: forest managers, government, non-government organizations (NGOs) and other stakeholders need to understand what is SFM mean in order to work together to achieve the objectives (Higman, 2005). FAO had studied almost 80 cases of successful SFM implementation which shown the economic, social and environmental benefits that can be achieved under SFM (Sarre Sabogal, 2013). One of the efforts in practice of SFM is adopted and implemented principles of sound forest management at Deramakot Forest Reserve in Sandakan. The Deramakot Forest Reserve is FMU No.19. It had covered 55,083 hectares of mixed Dipterocarp forest in the east of Sabah (Mannan, Awang, Radin, Abai Lagan, 2002). In 1989, Malaysia- German Sustainable Forest Management Project was extended to Sabah and conducted in Deramakot Forest Reserves. The main goal of this project is to apply an ecologically and scientifically substantiated forest management system (Mapa, 2003). This project was undertaken by the Sabah Forestry Department with the help of forest resource management such as stock inventory, reduced impact logging (RIL), the skyline yarding system, forest rehabilitation and silviculture. Due to the successfu l of SFM at Deramakot, in September 1997, the state Government had an agreement with 10 organizations from private sector which became active partners of the Government to ensure that the SFM practice at Deramakot is extended to other commercial forest areas in Sabah (SFD, 1998). According to Li (2014), SFM aims to ensure that the goods and services derived from forest meet peoples’ needs meanwhile maintain their continued availability and contribution to long-term development. Over the last 10 years, China has made a great amount of achievements in the forest sector based on sustainable forest management concept. For example, China had ranked the sixth in the world in terms of forest stock volume, following by Brazil, Russia, Canada, the United States of America and Democratic Republic of Congo. All these examples show that sustainable forest management concept can help to maintain ecosystem balanced. 2.2 Forest Management Unit (FMU) FMU is clearly defined as forest area which managed to a set of explicit objectives based on a long term management plan. SFM is divided all the commercial forest areas into 27 blocks called Forest Management Units (FMUs). Each FMU is about 100,000 hectares wide (Toh Grace, 2006) and every unit will be managed by selected companies (Mapa, 2003). Currently, the level of the FMU in Peninsular Malaysia is an individual state; in Sabah the FMU area will cover by each Sustainable Forest Management License Agreement (SFMLA); while in Sarawak, the FMU is an individual concession area (Ng, Tong Lim, 2002). 2.3 Forest Management Plan (FMP) FMU divided their forest area into severe compartments. Each compartment has to prepare its own FMP. A FMP is a strategic plan that can provide an overview or description of the forest area and the basis activities for monitoring the forest (Armitage, 1998). FMP can also name as medium-term forest management planning which have a minimum duration of 10 years (Kleine Heuveldop, 1993). FMP translates the forest policy and prepared a well operational program for regulating forest activities. A FMP should include description of forest resource base, the management actions of the resources, review at the mid-point of the plan, review in the final year of the plan and the preparation of a new plan when the present plan expired (Armitage, 1998). FMP is an important strategy which conducted by FMU to well manage the community forest and bring benefits to local communities. 2.4 Community Forestry Community forestry is a village-level forestry activity which also can be defined as the participation of local communities in the planning, establishing, managing and harvesting of forest crops in a forest, so they can receive a major proportion of the socio-economic and ecological benefits from the forest (Nixon, Herbohn Harrison, 2001). The participation of local community is very critical to promote sustainable livelihoods and maintain forest resources (Murdiyarso, 2006). According to Metha (2002), both India and Nepal have a wide variety of forests. At that time, the use of forest is controlled by local community’s traditions. However due to massive loss of forest, the governments of India and Nepal began to take over the forest management authority in the late 1980s. This cause the local communities lost their stewardship. As a result, the community forest programs are implemented to give communities financial stake so they have an incentive to preserve the forest. In 1988, the master plan for Nepal’s program was adopted which states that the forest administration should allow people to have full control over the forest. 2.5 Issues during implementation of SFM concept According to Hickey (2004), during evaluating progress in monitoring and reporting information for SFM, some issues related to forestry such as: trade considerations, socio-economics conditions, forest resource characteristics and forest land ownership need to be considered. There are some challenges faced by local communities who living in the forests for manage the forests sustainability. For example, lack of available land especially those peoples with no legal claim to their native customary right (NCR) of land within forest reserves. These communities are limited from clearing additional land for their use (Toh Grace, 2006). Local communities argued about the forest boundary. They are restricted to enter into the forest to collect forest products (Lintangah, 2013). According to Lintangah (2013), another issue that faced by local communities during implementation of SFM concepts is the relationship with the FMU holders. Local communities have a low level of cooperation because they lack of consultation from FMU holders and some FMU holders begin their activities without permission of local communities. Besides that, lack of understanding about SFM concept among local communities also becomes an issue during implementation of SFM. SFM implementation also brought some impacts to locals such as lack of infrastructure development and maintenance for example road; lack of provision of job opportunities to the local communities and environmental pollution. Richards Yaron (2003) stated that the main problem or issues for sustainable forest management is the failures of market and policy which cause more profitable to cut down trees than to retain or manage them. All these challenges or issues can cause limitation of use right among local communities and occurred conflicts between local communities and forest managers (Duguma, Hager Gruber, 2009). To solve all these conflicts between stakeholders, SRM approaches should be conducted. It is important to conduct a study about the perceptions of communities towards SRM approaches which can help to solve the issues during SFM implementation. Based on Wang (2008), perception is the insight or intuition gained by perceiving. It can be defined as the sixth sense of human beings. Perception is an important cognitive function that can determine personality. 2.6 Stakeholder Relations Management (SRM) The stakeholder relations management approach refers as the framework for analyzing and evaluating a corporation’s relationship with external groups to achieve â€Å"win-win† situations that can benefit everyone (Lintangah, 2013). However, there are usually occurs winners and losers in a complex situations. As a result, stakeholder management approach is conducted for planning and implementing collaborative relationship to obtain win-win outcomes among stakeholders. SRM approach is a response to the growth and progress of corporations to understand how the corporation operates with their stakeholders (Lintangah, 2013). An effective SRM can well-managed the relationship among stakeholders for mutual benefits (Post, Preston Sachs, 2002). The six steps that focus in stakeholder management approach are first identify key stakeholders, describe their stakes in the organization, determine if those stakes are significant, evaluate the opportunities and challenges, determine t he organization’s responsibility to the stakeholder, and finally create relationship strategies (Shannon Thomas, 2015). One of the examples of SRM approaches is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which means â€Å"a voluntary management system used by the companies to incorporate a variety of social, environmental and economic pressures into their business operations and their interaction with their stakeholders† (Lintangah, 2013, p.36). Stakeholder management approaches can help to solve problems related with SFM implementation. Most of the stakeholders feel that the dialogue is one of the useful tools in dealing with their claims and interests besides media and technology. It can solve the conflicts among stakeholders through communicating, negotiating, contracting, managing relationships and motivating (Freeman, 2004). The SRM approaches that conducted under SFM at FMU level included community forestry, joint forest management, CSR programmes, inter-agencies involvement, and contract forestry that will promote and support the SFM implementation at the FMU level. According to Lintangah (2013), the supporting tools for SRM include the Forest Management Plan, Annual Work Plan, related government policies at the state and federal level, the Forest Enactment of 1968, and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). 2.7 Sustainable Forest Management License Agreement (SFMLA) In September 1997, Sustainable Forest Management license Agreement (SFMLA) which is valid for 100 years is formed and replaced the timber license agreement (Toh Grace, 2006). On 10 September 1997, 10 companies had signed SFMLA with the government to show their cooperation in forest management. They were: Yayasan Sabah; Idris Hydraulic (Malaysia) Bhd; TSH Resources Bhd; Sapulut Forest Development Sdn Bhd; Bugaya Forest Sdn Bhd; The North Borneo Timber Corporation Berhad; Modern Innovation Realty Sdn Bhd; Anika Desiran Sdn Bhd; Bornion Timber Sdn Bhd and Timberwell Bhd (SFD, 1998). SFMLA holders are responsible for forest planning, forest inventories, preparation of forest management plans, implementation of the SFM, the establishment and maintenance of infrastructure, the security and protection of the FMU area, the protection and conservation of the unique environment within the SFMLA area, support financial of all the expenses and the accommodation of local communities’ interests (Lintangah, 2013). Under SFMLA, licence holders have to implement community forestry (CF) projects within their respective FMUs. All the companies have to submit annual work plans and harvest plans for each logging plots based on reduced-impact logging systems. All the management and operational plans, especially monitoring the activities of licence holders had to approve by Forestry Department (Toh Grace, 2006).

Friday, October 25, 2019

An Interview with a Juvenile Offender Essay -- Interview Essays

At the age of 23, Charlie has a fairly good life. He has a good job with a national insurance company, and recently married his girlfriend of three and a half years, Autumn. They are expecting their first child this November. But things have not always gone so well for Charlie. When Charlie was two and a half years old, his mother Laura and father Jose Chili Pepper gave birth to their second child, Chloe. Jose and Laura knew there was something wrong with Chloe right away, because of the way she turned her hand, but no doctor in Fudge Brownie, Montana, would confirm Jose and Laura’s suspicion their daughter had Cerebral Palsy. Frustrated and unable to find work, Jose moved his family from Fudge Brownie, Montana back to Watershed, Kansas, where they had originally lived before Chloe was born. The Chili Peppers stayed with Jose's sister Carolina for a time along with Jose's niece Catherine Sanchez and another of his sisters, Juanita. After a short time Jose decided he and his family needed their own place to live. He and Laura packed up eighteen-month-old Chloe and three-and-a-half year-old Charlie and moved to a small house on Sunny Days Avenue where the family lived for the next few years. Charlie loved living in that neighborhood. It was almost like living in the countryside, with little traffic and wide-open fields where Charlie and his friends could run free and be kids. According to Charlie's father Jose, "It was the perfect place for a little boy." But Charlie's happiness would be short-lived. Due to medical problems with his mother and sister, the family moved once again when he was five years old. "Charlie really loved living there and was happy in his first school," Jose recalled. "He was very upset that we had... ...l unloved at times. His parent's when he was eleven only seemed to aggravate the problem. Discipline was inconsistent, and often he was able to get around punishment by wearing down his mother, who could be easily persuaded to give in to what he wanted. Family finances were strained. Although Charlie went to school in an upper middle-class neighborhood, his family could not afford to buy him as much as many of his friends’ parents. He began to run around with kids who were associated with a local gang and was rejected by other friends because of his behavior. Today, Charlie is closer to his family. He spends time with his mother father and sister. His relationship with his wife, Autumn, while occasionally rocky, has been a positive influence. He is a responsible young adult, who has been fortunate to have gotten the intervention he needed as a troubled teenager.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Parallels similarities between the experiences of womenmen in Gileadean and US society Essay

I would like to concur with Atwood that the Gilead society only exist in the land of Gilead alone, and such attributes are not witnessed in the basic American societies even though this concurrence is limited. I will begin by citing Atwood opinion. Firstly, the Gilead society transferred women wealth to their husbands or relatives. Thus, a woman was seen as a property and could not be allowed to own property since she was a property. This is not the case with contemporary US society where women can make significant macroeconomic decisions American women are leaders of large businesses, control large investments and even assume elective posts. I will, therefore, compare the identity issue to makes sure that you understand the differences between American societies and Gilead societies. Unlike in the American society, in the Gileadian society women were highly segregated from one another. For a woman to befriend a fellow woman that relationship was to be made public. As such, their husbands took women as properties. Thus, they expected women to consult them on what choices they would want to make in life. According to Atwood, Gileadian woman would wear uniforms coded to their functions. However, American women have independent decisions. They choose who and who not to relate with. Besides, Audience, Atwood believes that Gilead women were infertile, and they would help their husbands during insemination commonly known as ceremony. The women were only in charge of the household discipline, however, their freedoms since way the feel week they were left to die with no care at all. As well, the women were expected to provide subsequent child catering; as quoted; They would tell Bible stories for children and sing hymns. One of the women was called Serena Joy†¦..was expected to laugh and cry†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦in order to teach the children (16) Rather complex, the women of Gilead, who are seen handling complex administrative jobs, for instance, becoming police officers, are still considered properties of men they are working with. As such, the women become rigid, middle-aged who have internalized patriarchal values. In fact, Gilead women are dogmatized to live in a society that does not seem to care about their objectives. Similarly, women of Gilead operate re-education centers; however, they are not mandated to carry out critical decisions concerning education. However, this is not the case their American counterparts. American counterparts contribute positively towards the development of the society. Their decisions are independent. Similarly, the creation and destruction of property rights fundamentally presents legal challenges affecting the women of Gilead. Men, control the Gilead government. Gilead state captures wayward and loose women who can bear birth to the incoming generations; however, they fail to recognize the power and legitimacy of the new regime. Thus, their property is their self and freedoms and as illustrated earlier, the access to money. As a result, women become the property of their husbands if they have one or the state that has their discretion can dispatch them wherever they see them. In this case, males are in power to claim property rights in women who have been foiled. However, in America, women are not treated as fugitives in fact, they present an equal 50/50 power distribution and resources are shared evenly. Ironically, the Gilead regime pretends to respect the feminist philosophy in its treatment of women and the paints a picture of an utopian future that female society turnaround to become the sorority and prevent from being hurt. However, the patriarchy principles in Gilead embrace the paradox of protection in the imprisonment, where women face significant prejudices in the type of decisions that they make. This is not the case with the present American society. Joining Atwood, I prefer Aunt Lydia reflection on what freedom-to-freedom means. Ironically, the commander justifies the Gilead by claiming that women are relevant if they fulfill their biological duties. Literary the commander had married so many women, and had one ceremonial as Atwood is quoted saying At one, level was an almost a caricature of the banality of kitchen talk that could be a scene from a Pinter commender†¦But in the terror-filled austerity of the commander house, it is seductively comforting†¦.note the word seduction. (10) Such a doctrine is rapid, and it indicates how women are considered as a property of the Gilead men communities. American women consider giving birth as a service to the society and not necessary as a reward for a better life. Besides, American women consider giving birth as a way of giving back to the society positively. Equally, audience please be advised that the fascist Republic of Gilead, which differs the contemporary United States society assigns every woman to different classes of women: without their will to protest. The classes are as a follows: wives, belong to the married men who have a superior military rank. These women, despite their will, are treated fairly better than other counterparts are in the society. Secondly, the Gilead society assigns a second class of women, handmaid, econowives or Martha the role of reproduction and matrimony. These women, despite their will, are engaged into hard jobs serving the rich in one way, or another. The group is forcefully married to a lower rank military regime that does not have enough status to obtain a handmaid or aunts function. Even though ironically, Handmaids surrogate for the infertile heterosexuals, as well as, serving as women housekeepers and cooking nannies. To achieve that, the Gilead initiates a dogmatizing religious program, one tha t ordains the reproduction where multiple doctrines are enacted to affirm the system of social rituals. Members, such as absurd society does not exist in America. On the contrary, in America, women are empowered to make decisions concerning the sexuality. As quoted saying †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦The flesh arranges itself differently. I am a cloud congealed around a central object, the shape of a pear†¦ (Chapter 13, 43) However, the social complexity of the US, American women control their sexuality and as well, control how they would prefer bringing forth their off springs. Similarly, since Gilead is actively involved in patriarch driven conflicts, most members are either infertile or sterile, it is arguable that men through the subsequent political battles have made their property. As such, subsequent political battles have increased toxic wastes and nuclear fallout, where toxic waste colonies are increased. To hide the truth behind such rituals, the Gilead societies have invoked a biblical ritual called â€Å"The Ceremony.† However, arrogantly, how they conduct their sexual activities is unbecoming. The command penetrates the handmaid exposed sex in an attempt to impregnate a woman. The commander is quoted to have said I’m not talking about sex; he says. That was part of it; the sex was too easy. . . You know what they were complaining about the most (Chapter, 32) This is unbecoming since the woman has been lured to sex. Any sound child born by the handmaid is handled over to the wife of the commander as if the child belonged to the commander’s wife. Such a social setting is very wanting and prompts the question on the role of women in the society. To answer that, American women make independent decisions on how when and where, they want to give birth. American women also make the choice to have sex, when, where and with whom. Nonetheless, despite the complex differences between the Gilead society and the American society, we still notice some similarities. While it is evident that the Gilead society obligates women roles as predominantly domestic, the US society seems to emulate that by assigning women the task of raising children while men are technically exempted from that. Additionally, members you will agree with me that the congress, which happens to be active Christian right is looking for traditional family values. Even though we acknowledge that radical pieces of the Gilead system have not found a way into the American system, it is notable that domestic institutions have secret doctrine women in the Gilead society. A common doctrine is the domestic chore, where the common American woman is made to believe that in order to make a perfect partner, one has to wash the dirt, prepare food, and even entertain a commander called the husband. Men experiences, therefore, are not radical, or in any case equal as those affecting women. It is also disheartening to note that efforts by feminine movements are currently being considered outdated or extremists and are not attracting subsequent influence as they were expected two decades. Efforts to benefit and strengthen the woman counterpart peel away the layers the practice once again set to maintain the domin ant-subordinate relationship. Reference Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid’s Tale. London: Vintage Classic, 2010. Print. Source document

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Research on Baroda dairy product Essay

Executive Summary This project has been undertaken in order to understand the Customer Perception and liking towards Baroda Dairy Products. The task is to know and measure its effectiveness in terms of Price , Quality , Quantity , Packaging , Product availability, Product delivery, Product maintenance (storage), merits and demerits of the existing distribution chain, areas and scope of improvement and finding ways to make the Product more user friendly and Available. There are various ways to carry out this project and reach desired objectives for e. g. , Expert Opinion, In-depth interview with Customers, primary data collection and analysis etc. but out of all these options available for data collection, the method chosen was primary data collection and analysis i. e. questionnaire based data collection and analysis. The reasons for choosing this technique for project are as under: This method gives the opportunity to directly interact with the Customers and helps in knowing what they actually think of the Baroda Dairy Products. The most reliable source of information from all the other mentioned above. Gives a better insight of Customer perception as compared to other technique. This technique will yield an Unbiased, To the Point and Reliable result. It is best to know from the Customers as to what they think about the Existing Product and Satisfaction Level. From this project I came to know about co-operative sector, dairy industry, distribution and handling of highly perishable product like milk. I also came to know what Customers think of current Products and Services of Baroda Dairy. Customer loyalty to Baroda Dairy and its products. I got to know various merits of the existing distribution channel. I also discovered some areas of distribution channel which if worked upon can yield more profitable gains and can also increase the availability of Products. I critically analyzed the answers that were provided by Customers. In order to get quality information, I used questionnaire as a tool which helped me in this project. After collection of the desired data, the data has been critically analyzed to draw conclusion out of mathematical data. The collected data has been categorized and presented in to the meaningful diagrammatic presentations following its proper classification. All these analytical information is subjected to the conclusions following justified interpretation of the results drawn from the statistical tools. Introduction Dairy industry is one of the growing sectors in the Indian Food Processing Industry. This sector Grew at CAGR of 3. 7 % in the last decade. An everyday useful industry which was into rags during 1940s is now one of the most performing industry in the country, courtesy – White Revolution. But still the market is dominated by unorganized sector which contributes about 80% of the total milk marketing in the country. Thus lies a very large scope for the organized sector to enter in this industry. Dairy contributes to 16% of consumer spend on food – 18% in Urban areas of the country and 15% in rural areas. It is one of the most important and exceptionally well performing industries. Each and every state has its own Federation that governs various co-operatives in each state which are into processing of milk and other milk products and the Governing body for these state federations is National Dairy Development Board. One of the main reasons for the progress of dairy industry in India was the white revolution and the Co-operative movement. Also what has added to its development is the linkage it has created between producers and consumers which has eliminated the middle man. Also strengthening of production, procurement, infrastructure and technology has made dairy farming India’s largest self-sustainable rural employment generator. Also it is notable that dairy sector has gained prominence over the years as it delivers one of the most important food product i. e. Milk and its by-products without which it is really very difficult to live. Thus looking at the current scenario, following things can be analyzed: On the production side: Slow growth in productivity likely to increase demand- supply gap There is a need to promote interventions that would increase production efficiencies. Need to secure availability of fodder and high quality breeds. Promoting entrepreneurship in large herd dairy farming – through PPP. There is increasing interest in Intensive dairy farming – increasing demand & farm gate price. On the demand side: Indian dairy market offers diverse opportunities to tap into. Unique nature of the market requires entrepreneurs to study it carefully before entry. India has the credit of being the largest producer as well as the biggest consumer of milk in the world. It also has the world’s largest dairy herd (comprised of cows and buffalos). In 2010-11, livestock generated output worth INR 2,075 billion (at 2004-05 prices) which comprised 4% of the GDP and 26% of the agricultural GDP. India’s milk production accounts for 16% of total global output. The dairy industry is expected to grow 4-5% per annum. A budgetary outlay of INR 31, 560 Crores is recommended by the working group for 12th Five Year Plan of Planning commission of India for animal husbandry and dairy sector to achieve growth rate of 6%. In the past 20 years, milk production in India has doubled and has reached the 116. 2 million tonnes a year thus becoming India’s No. 1 farm commodity. The current market size of the dairy industry is INR 2. 6 trillion and is estimated to grow up to INR 3. 7 trillion by 2015. The matters relating to livestock production, preservation, protection and improvement of livestock & dairy development comes under Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture, GoI. Value-added products like Whole milk powder, Skimmed milk powder, Condensed milk, Ice cream, Butter and Ghee have immense potential for export. As per the latest statistics of National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), the dairy cooperative network in the country includes 177 milk unions covering 346 districts and over 1, 33,000 village-level societies with a total membership of nearly 14 million farmers. All the statistics given above are indicators of a flourishing dairy sector in India providing suitable opportunities to the industries engaged in the dairy business. India: Milk’s New Horizon A growing population and increased incomes from an economic boom are the driving forces behind a surge in dairy product demand in India. One key to the success of recent consumption trends has been an American standby: the refrigerator. Dairy Demand in an Emerging Economy A new study reports that the demand for milk in India will rise by a compound annual growth rate of about 4% over the next few years (RNCOS, 2012). Research shows that as incomes increase consumption of animal products, specifically milk and dairy products, intensifies (Wenge Fu et al. , 2012). In fact, India’s upturn in demand for dairy products far outweighs the growth in demand for animal products such as meat and eggs. India owes this large demand for milk to its largely vegetarian population. Dairy product demand in India has increased dramatically in both rural and urban sectors. However, as a larger population is emigrating from rural areas to cities an even greater demand may be placed on dairy products. Between 1980 and 2010, India’s level of urbanization increased from 23 to 30 percent of the population. The second largest country in the world, India is projected to grow from 1. 2 billion people in 2010 to just under 1. 7 billion by 2050 with 55% of that population being urban. This increase in buying power allows consumers to purchase durable goods such as refrigerators that enable larger consumption of dairy products than ever before. Moreover, a more urban population also offers the increased opportunity for cultural exchange, leading to increased consumption of meat and dairy products not only in India but across Asia. All of these factors coupled together lead to growing international market opportunities for milk and dairy products in India previously unnoticed in the global dairy industry. India is the world’s largest producer of milk. However, the majority of that milk is buffalo, followed by cow and goat milk as shown in Table 1 (FAOSTAT, 2013). Since 2005, 53% of the fluid milk produced in India has come from buffalo, 43% from cows and 4% from goats. In 2011, India produced 34% more milk than the U. S. up from 19% more in 2005 (Table 2). For dairy cow production, the United States produced 70% more milk in 2011 than India. One study by the OECD-FAO in 2011 suggests that India will have sufficient production to meet demand for milk and its products (excluding butter) through 2020. Nevertheless, as Wenge Fu et al. note, the rapid increase in population and changes in consumption patterns make such estimations difficult. Fluid milk demand is projected to grow at 10. 2% per year, while production is projected to grow by 3. 7% based on 1994 to 2004 growth rates. Competition for land to produce grains and feed products for animal production may limit agricultural growth in all sectors. This pressure on natural resources and its effect on production could lead to a greater reliance on imported dairy products. In the short run, India’s dairy sector is well positioned to accommodate the rapid growth in dairy product consumption. An increasingly urbanized population with a greater disposable income will drive demand leading to opportunities from the global milk market to supply this new generation of Indian consumers. Table 1. India’s Milk Production by Species from 2005 to 2011 in Tonnes (FAOSTAT, 2013) Year Item 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Avg Buffalo Milk (whole, fresh) Production in Tonnes 52,070,000 54,382,000 56,630,000 57,132,000 59,201,000 62,350,000 62,350,000 % of total production 54% 55% 54% 53% 53% 53% 52% 53% Cow Milk (whole, fresh) Production in Tonnes 39,759,000 41,148,000 44,601,000 47,006,000 47,825,000 49,960,000 52,500,000 % of total production 42% 41% 42% 43% 43% 43% 44% 43% Goat Milk (whole, fresh) Production in Tonnes 3,790,000 3,818,000 4,481,000 4,478,000 4,467,000 4,594,000 4,594,000 % of total production 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% Total Production in Tonnes 95,619,000 99,348,000 105,712,000 108,616,000 111,493,000 116,904,000 119,444,000 Table 2. Milk Production in India and the United States from 2005 to 2011 (FAOSTAT, 2013) Year Country 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 All Milk Production in Tonnes India 95,619,000 99,348,000 105,712,000 108,616,000 111,493,000 116,904,000 119,444,000 USA 80,254,500 82,463,000 84,189,100 86,177,400 85,880,500 87,474,400 89,015,200 % Difference between India and U. S. 19% 20% 26% 26% 30% 34% 34% Cow Milk Production in Tonnes India 39,759,000 41,148,000 44,601,000 47,006,000 47,825,000 49,960,000 52,500,000 USA 80,254,500 82,463,000 84,189,100 86,177,400 85,880,500 87,474,400 89,015,200 % Difference between U. S. and India 102% 100% 89% 83% 80% 75% 70% As we have already seen how the production of milk and its consumption have increased over the past decade thus the problem of it distribution and availability also arises. This brings the problem of Effective distribution channel into light. For the same purpose the study has been undertaken in order to Measure the Effectiveness of the Distribution System of Baroda Dairy. Introduction to Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. The GCMMF is the largest food products marketing organisation of India. It is the apex organisation of the Dairy Cooperatives of Gujarat. Over the last five and a half decades, Dairy Cooperatives in Gujarat have created an economic network that links more than 3. 1 million village milk producers with millions of consumers in India. The cooperatives collect on an average 9. 4 million litres of milk per day from their producer members, more than 70% of whom are small, marginal farmers and landless labourers and include a sizeable population of tribal folk and people belonging to the scheduled castes. The turnover of GCMMF (AMUL) during 2010–11 was 97. 74 billion (US$1. 7 billion). It markets the products, produced by the district milk unions in 30 dairy plants. The farmers of Gujarat own the largest state of the art dairy plant in Asia – Mother Dairy, Gandhinagar, Gujarat – which can handle 3. 0 million litres of milk per day and process 160 MTs of milk powder daily. GCMMF is a unique organization which is created by farmers, managed by competent professionals serving a very competitive and challenging consumer market. It is a true testimony of synergistic national development through the practice of modern management methods. GCMMF Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF), is India’s largest food product marketing organisation with annual turnover (2012-13) US$ 2. 54 billion. Its daily milk procurement is approx 13 million lit per day from 16914 village milk cooperative societies, 17 member unions covering 24 districts, and 3. 18 million milk producer members. It is the Apex organisation of the Dairy Cooperatives of Gujarat, popularly known as ‘AMUL’, which aims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the interest of consumers by providing quality products which are good value for money. Its success has not only been emulated in India but serves as a model for rest of the World. It is exclusive marketing organisation of ‘Amul’ and ‘Sagar’ branded products. It operates through 48 Sales Offices and has a dealer network of 5000 dealers and 10 lakh retailers, one of the largest such networks in India. Its product range comprises milk, milk powder, health beverages, ghee, butter, cheese, Pizza cheese, Ice-cream, Paneer, chocolates, and traditional Indian sweets, etc. GCMMF is India’s largest exporter of Dairy Products. It has been accorded a â€Å"Trading House† status. Many of our products are available in USA, Gulf Countries, Singapore, The Philippines, Japan, China and Australia. GCMMF has received the APEDA Award from Government of India for Excellence in Dairy Product Exports for the last 13 years. For the year 2009-10, GCMMF has been awarded â€Å"Golden Trophy† for its outstanding export performance and contribution in dairy products sector by APEDA. For its consistent adherence to quality, customer focus and dependability, GCMMF has received numerous awards and accolades over the years. It received the Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award in1999 in Best of All Category. In 2002 GCMMF bagged India’s Most Respected Company Award instituted by Business World. In 2003, it was awarded the The IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award – 2003 for adopting noteworthy quality management practices for logistics and procurement. GCMMF is the first and only Indian organisation to win topmost International Dairy Federation Marketing Award for probiotic ice cream launch in 2007. The Amul brand is not only a product, but also a movement. It is in one way, the representation of the economic freedom of farmers. It has given farmers the courage to dream. To hope. To live. GCMMF – An Overview

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Kindergartens as a First Step towards Adult Life

Kindergartens as a First Step towards Adult Life A person's development begins from the very childhood. During their very first years children become more and more curious about the world around them and get some education by learning how to speak and asking all their why-questions. Then they start to learn the alphabet and start to read. They want to learn more about this life and demonstrate their talents. Before the age of six children are very sensitive, and it is crucial to find the right approach to every single individual at this period of time. The reality today is that parents cannot afford to stay at home with their children all day. Nowadays both parents have to work to make money for their family, and not every couple can hire a person that will take care of their children. This is why kindergartens are so popular and widespread in almost every country. Children are sent to the full-day kindergartens, and these places have a great impact on their upbringing and further education. A lot of researchers believe that it is crucial for younger children to have an access to education because it has a positive impact on their ability to read; besides, this improves their cognitive performance throughout their lives. Anyway, if parents have to spens all day at work and nobody can help them, they do not even ask the question about the importance of a kindergarten – this place is their only option. However, some families can choose to let a child go to the kindergarten or to stay with him/her at home. What should these parents prefer? Is a kindergarten the best alternative for them and their child? Disadvantages of a Kindergarten We would like to start this discussion with disadvantages of sending children to kindergartens. First and foremost, this experience is always stressful for children. No matter how good the teacher is and how great the other kids are, a child who comes to the kindergarten from home always feels nervous and stressed because of this huge change. The child is surrounded by strangers, his/her dear parents do not come to take him/her home for a few hours already – a child does not understand that immediately, which might cause a negative reaction. However, usually children overcome these difficulties and start to enjoy their days in the kindergarten a lot. Secondly, they can be negatively influenced by other children. Children in the kindergarten can have different backgrounds, and there is always a risk of a negative impact on your child. This is normal because teachers cannot control all communication between the children, and here it is very important for parents to help their children be open with them and teach them how to treat other children and how to solve conflicts. Advantages of a Kindergarten There are a lot of advantages of kindergartens which make these institutions so popular. To begin with, kindergartens help children become more independent. It is extremely valuable that children can learn how to do a lot of things without their parents’ help. They learn how to make the bed, how to clean, how to put on clothes, etc. When children stay home with their mothers or grandparents, they do not need to think about such important things because adults take care of them. However, at certain age children already need to do a lot of things without adults’ assistance, and kindergartens help them achieve this goal. Secondly, all children need to communicate with other children starting with the age of three or four. At this age they already require important social skills and learn how to build relationships with other people (in this case with their peers). Kindergartens also allow them to spend more time with other adults. This might be stressful for some children, but it is crucial because later they will become school students and they will have to establish good relationships with their school teachers. In the kindergarten children learn that parents are not the only authoritative people in their lives. Since children acquire all these social skills in the kindergarten, it is easier for them to study in school and make friends there and be in good terms with their teachers. Another very strong advantage of a kindergarten is education. This is the place where children start to learn how to write and improve their reading skills. They get a lot of different math assignment and have to memorize poems and perform them in front of their peers. In the kindergarten children make their first educational steps which help them a lot when they come to school. Since they do not have an easy access to TVs and computers, children are more busy with other activities: either they play together outside, which is great for their health, or do some sewing and knitting exercises which develop their fine motor skills. In the kindergarten children have to be disciplined and follow strict rules, and this is also very useful because it makes their transition to school much easier and less stressful. As you can see, kindergartens have their pros and cons, and it is only up to you to decide whether you want your child to go such a place. You can send your child to a kindergarten and see how he/she reacts. If this is too much for you boy or girl, then you should wait a little. However, your child can enjoy going to the kindergarten, and all your problems will be solved.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Gladiator vs Hannibal essays

Gladiator vs Hannibal essays Ridley Scott, being contemporary and innovative is one of many film directors who have a certain style that is ever present throughout their films. Gladiator and Hannibal two of Scotts best movies do not share plot summary yet they encompass similar techniques to achieve their desired look. In two different scenes Scott incorporates similar lighting, camera movement, angles and music to tell the stories of both the characters of Maximus and Clarise. This work looks at each of the techniques used in the four scenes and how they compare and contrast. Scott is considered one the best directors around and one who expresses his ideas through not only the plot but also in the way the plot takes place. He enjoys using many different kind of camera angles especially cross cutting and quick cutting. Crosscutting is when in a scene the camera moves back and forth over the shoulder of tow people who are engaging in a conversation or some sort of action. Scott uses this in his films because he likes to use different ideas or themes that involve close action. Quick cutting, which is mostly noticeable in Gladiator, is when there is a lot of action in one scene and the camera moves back and forth really quickly in order to catch all of the action. This attempts to make the action look like it is moving much faster than it really is. Scott uses both of these techniques throughout both movies and achieves his goal of completing to excellent movies. Gladiator was truly one of the best films of the year, in 2001. It's about a Roman general who was to be the successor to the Caesar. The Caesar's son kills his father and attempts the same fate for the general. The general escapes but is captured by a band of nomads and is forced into slavery. He is made to fight in the gladiator arena and his skill eventually brings him to the Coliseum. The Romans begin to love and support him, giving him a foothold to overthrow the crooked Caesar. Whil...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Avon, Mary Kay and Estee Lauder Resume Animal Testing

Avon, Mary Kay and Estee Lauder Resume Animal Testing In February of 2012, PETA discovered that Avon, Mary Kay, and Estee Lauder had resumed animal testing. The three companies had each been cruelty-free for over 20 years, but since China requires cosmetics to be tested on animals, all three companies now pay for their products to be tested on animals. For a short while, Urban Decay also planned to start animal testing but announced in July of 2012 that they would not test on animals and would not sell in China. While none of these are completely vegan companies, they have been considered cruelty-free because they did not test on animals. Urban Decay takes the extra step of identifying vegan products with a purple paw symbol, but not all Urban Decay products are vegan. Testing cosmetics and personal care products on animals are not required by U.S. law unless the product contains a new chemical. In 2009, the European Union banned cosmetics testing on animals, and that ban went into full effect in 2013. In 2011, U.K. officials announced an intention to ban animal testing of household products, but that ban has not yet been enacted. Avon and Animal Testing Avons animal welfare policy now states: Some select products may be required by law in a few countries to undergo additional safety testing, which potentially includes animal testing, under the directive of a government or health agency. In these instances, Avon will first attempt to persuade the requesting authority to accept non-animal test data. When those attempts are unsuccessful, Avon must abide by local laws and submit the products for additional testing. According to Avon, testing their products on animals for these foreign markets is not new, but it appears that PETA removed them from the cruelty-free list because PETA has become more aggressive advocates in the global arena. Avons Breast Cancer Crusade (funded by Avons popular breast cancer walk) is on the Humane Seal list of approved charities that dont fund animal research. Estee Lauder Estee Lauders animal testing statement reads, We do not conduct animal testing on our products or ingredients, nor ask others to test on our behalf, except when required by law. Mary Kay Mary Kays animal testing policy explains: Mary Kay does not conduct animal testing on its products or ingredients, nor ask others to do so on its behalf, except when absolutely required by law. There is only one country where the company operates – among more than 35 around the world – where that is the case and where the company is required by law to submit products for testing – China. Urban Decay Of the four companies, Urban Decay had had the most support in the vegan/animal rights community because they identify their vegan products with a purple paw symbol. The company even distributes free samples through The Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics, which certifies cruelty-free companies with their Leaping Bunny symbol. While Avon, Mary Kay, and Estee Lauder may have offered some vegan products, they had not specifically marketed those products to vegans and did not make it easy to identify their vegan products. Urban Decay had planned to sell their products in China, but received so much negative feedback, the company reconsidered: After careful consideration of many issues, we have decided not to start selling Urban Decay products in China . . . Following our initial announcement, we realized that we needed to step back, carefully review our original plan, and talk to a number of individuals and organizations that were interested in our decision. We regret that we were unable to respond immediately to many of the questions we received, and appreciate the patience our customers have shown as we worked through this difficult issue. Urban Decay is now back on the Leaping Bunny list and PETAs cruelty-free list. While Avon, Estee Lauder, and Mary Kay claim to oppose animal testing, as long as they are paying for animal tests anywhere in the world, they can no longer be considered cruelty-free.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Editing And Sound In Kill Bill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Editing And Sound In Kill Bill - Essay Example The paper shows that the director uses the transition from one scene to another thereby causing a film to have an effective continuity of action. For instance, when in Japan the young Ishii's parents are murdered in front of her by the Yakuza and later on takes vengeance on the Yakuza boss making her become the new boss after training as an elite assassin. In which case, the match cut helps in giving a connection between the two different events. The film also makes use of spectacular sound edits to make the film even more lively. The scenes are well synchronized with the sound leading to the creation of sound bridges for each scene. In the film kill Bill, even if you cannot see the horrific image, you can still hear the cracking of the bones, the blood spray, and the victim let out dying breath or one last shriek. A lot of the sound effects are created by the artificial use of the FX sound effects which creates an atmosphere of the real life situations and also keep the audience glued in both either of the visual or auditory senses. In conclusion, the creativity that is applied while editing a film determines the quality and the size of the market of the film. Any form of art requires very well edited sound; effects and a diverse application of techniques that will make the audience enjoy the art and also are part of it when they are attracted. A good art, therefore, must have a good and quality visual and audio effects that make the film appear to captivate and real.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Symbolic interactionism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Symbolic interactionism - Essay Example Based on the relationship between the individual and the society, symbolic interactionism brings the issue of coordinated management of meaning. Individuals in a communication process tend to construct social realities of the world they create to shape them. The definition and management of meaning to reflect reality is a two-way process that is enhanced by effective communication. The things that individuals say matter because they are a reflection of their thoughts and implications of reality. Symbolic interactionism succeeds in the social perspective when people cease to violate the interpersonal expectations of other people and work towards conformity. Even when the definition of social interactionism was being made, the modern ways and theories of communication were still in place. Only those philosophers had not identified them, or none had talked about them openly. For instance, the theory of social penetration applies all the time in the communication process, whether or not the communicators are aware of the existence of the theory. At the same time, in order to socialize and interact in a healthy manner, symbolic interactionism only reflects the reality it claims to symbolize when there is a reduction of uncertainty in the socialization process and pathway. It is through the reduction of uncertainty that people can socialize and share experiences that are foundations for the formation of friendship. In any social perspective, there must be contradictions and understandings between people based on their symbolic understanding of reality, as coined by the philosopher and his students. Although people believe that they have the right to control and make their information confidential, social interactions require sharing of information and ideas as one of the primary ways of the development of friendship. The continuous aspect of communication and

Nike - The Sweatshop Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Nike - The Sweatshop Debate - Essay Example All organizations are faced with cultural challenges like diversity or cultural gaps. The problems with cultural diversity are difficult and hard to handle. Whereas ethics can be defined as the code of moral principles and values that help to oversee the behaviors of the employees or teams with respect to what is right and what is not. The organizations these days are also faced with ethical dilemma within the company. Ethical challenges arise in the organization when in a situation each alternative choice or behavior is undesirable because of potentially harmful ethical consequences. Right and wrong are not clearly identifiable in the situation. The legal dimension means the general environment of the company that includes federal, state and local rules and regulations that help the company to control the behavior of the employees. The legal challenges of the company would include the EEO (equal employment opportunity). (Daft, 1997) As we know that government laws and regulations differ from country to country and this makes manufacturing of products very difficult challenge for the international companies like Nike. The host governments have laws concerns about consumer protection, information and labeling, employment, wages and salaries and safety of the workers who work in those firms. The international organizations must keep these rules and regulations in their minds and should abide by them. The most visible changes in the legal-political factors develop and grow out of international trade agreements and the emergence of international trade alliance between different countries, for example, GATT or EU etc. (Daft, 1997) The various roles that the host governments of different countries like China, Vietnam or Indonesia played in this particular global business’s operations were that they turned a blind eye towards the poor working conditions of the manufacturing plants.

Written Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Written Essay - Assignment Example For example, the value of a particular sales invoice is ought to be compatible with the sales amount of tax being charged on the invoice (ACCA, 2011). Processing controls are attached with developing varied programmed routines (Pearson, n.d.). This particular system acts as an effective specific control in the form of supporting the managers or the supervisors to adopt and apply routine decisions. Specially mentioning, it contributes in maintaining the reliability of data by extracting valuable data from a specific database to compile various important reports. These reports can be reckoned as financial statements, sales analyses and inventory-level based details among others (Collins, 2015). It is regarded as an efficient interactive system, which tends to gather, incorporate and analyze data from varied sources. More importantly, it aids in supporting the business managers of an organization to make several routine decisions. The maintenance of data reliability through this particular system could be better understood from the adoption as well as application of relevant decisions while operating different business functions (Collins, 2015). Output controls mainly relate to work upon the performance of the transactions whether input or output. This specific control relating to output segment helps in preserving accuracy and determining the completeness of the different processing outputs. It will be vital to mention that the conception of run control totals would aid in ensuring greater data reliability in the form of various ways. These ways entails authorizing all such data transactions that are already processed, ensuring that no such transactions are being omitted also making sure that unlawful transactions are being added (Alkhatib & Labban, n.d). The perception of DDBS is identified to be dissimilar to that of centralized database system. This is mainly owing to the reason that

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Many people immigrate to the United States because they believe that Essay

Many people immigrate to the United States because they believe that it is better than their country.Do you agreeWhy - Essay Example One can easily identify that people immigrate to the US because they are in need of better education, living standard and opportunity. Besides, they do not feel alienated in the mainstream society of the United States because the same is a ‘melting pot’ of different cultures. Fenton states that â€Å"After the liberalization of immigration laws in 1965, these populations all grew through immigration† (29). From a different angle of view, the most important reason behind the immigration to the US is the urge to be successful in life. The people from the third world nations consider that the US society can fulfill their dreams. Besides, the acceptance shown by the US citizens towards the immigrant population is an important factor behind large scale immigration. Summing, the whole world is undergoing rapid development due to the influence of information revolution. So, the concept of international citizenship is not a myth, but reality. Those who accept the same shows interest to grab the opportunity and to lead better life. In short, the urge to lead a better life is the motivation behind the large scale immigration to the United

Health & Illness Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Health & Illness - Assignment Example In this case, the lower social classes are more likely to experience health problems than those in the higher classes and in the same way, the ideas of health and illness in Britain vary in different cultures as well as social groups. Now this draws our concern to healthcare in Britain. Health care according to Spicker (2015) can be divided into hospital care, primary care, and public health. Of all the three, public health happens to be the most important issue in any given health population. The medical care of Britain in the 19th century was basically voluntary. The development of health care in Britain came about by the fact that sickness was primarily brought about by pauperism (Spicker, 2015). In response to this, infirmaries for the sick were set up by the Poor Law Authorities. Since the UK has experience in the development of the National Health Service (NHS) for about 60 years now it knows how to work with the government as well as private organizations and get to convince them on how to design and develop first class healthcare systems. Ever since the development of the NHS the UK has invested billions of pounds just to see to it that quality healthcare is always available for all its citizens (Healthcare UK, 2014). However, this is not always the case. Let us narrow down to Britain where the ideas of health and illness vary in different cultures and social groups as we are yet to find out. Censoring Leach (2013) it is evident that "Cultural differences affect aspects of behavior significant for making a diagnosis."Leach further revealed prolonged mourning periods after close bereavement. This is something worth attributing to something as grief spilled over into clinical depression. The divers cultural population in Britain have got differences when it comes to illness behavior, this involves how they handle their health matters based on their own beliefs. In each of the ethical groups there are prevalents diseases that come about most likely because

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Many people immigrate to the United States because they believe that Essay

Many people immigrate to the United States because they believe that it is better than their country.Do you agreeWhy - Essay Example One can easily identify that people immigrate to the US because they are in need of better education, living standard and opportunity. Besides, they do not feel alienated in the mainstream society of the United States because the same is a ‘melting pot’ of different cultures. Fenton states that â€Å"After the liberalization of immigration laws in 1965, these populations all grew through immigration† (29). From a different angle of view, the most important reason behind the immigration to the US is the urge to be successful in life. The people from the third world nations consider that the US society can fulfill their dreams. Besides, the acceptance shown by the US citizens towards the immigrant population is an important factor behind large scale immigration. Summing, the whole world is undergoing rapid development due to the influence of information revolution. So, the concept of international citizenship is not a myth, but reality. Those who accept the same shows interest to grab the opportunity and to lead better life. In short, the urge to lead a better life is the motivation behind the large scale immigration to the United

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Budget paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Budget paper - Essay Example 132). With a strategic plan in place, what the organization needs is a budget – a detailed quantitative plan to guide its operations in the near future. The aim of this paper is to develop a strategic plan and a budget for an academic institution, specifically Cornell University, utilizing different factors such as demographics, affordability, financial aid, consortiums and collaborations, intercollegiate athletics, community involvement, and standards and accountability. Cornell University was founded in 1845 by Ezra Cornell and Andrew Dickson White (Cornell University 2009). It is the â€Å"federal land-grant institution of New York State, a private endowed university, a member of the Ivy League/Ancient Eight, and a partner of the State University of New York. It has been described as the first truly American university because of its founders revolutionarily egalitarian and practical vision of higher education, and is dedicated to its land-grant mission of outreach and public service.† (ibid.) As of fall of 2007 the number of enrollees totaled 20,833 with 65% comprising undergraduate registrants. Of the total number of undergraduates (13,510), 51% are male and 49% female. A total of 31% of the enrollees come from New York, followed by 17% from Middle Atlantic origins and 10% from the Far West. The number of students receiving need-based grant aid was 6,008. In addition, 70 financially independent students received need-based aid. Of the tot al number of degrees granted (6,068), a total of 57% or 3,467 comprise bachelor’s degrees, followed by 1,713 or 28% master’s degrees. At Cornell, a collaborative culture is enhanced through several identified areas of excellence, to wit: Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Sustainability, Humanities, Ithaca - Weill Cornell Initiatives, International Programs, Law and Technology, and Information Science. Students are encouraged to be of service in their local community by easy

Monday, October 14, 2019

Structure And Properties Of Ibuprofen

Structure And Properties Of Ibuprofen Ibuprofen, which is a member of the propionic acid group of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, drugs (NSAIDs). Ibuprofen is a racemic mixture of [+]S- and [-]R-enantiomers. Ibuprofen contains contains a stereocenter in the ÃŽ ±-position of the  propionate  moiety. Studies shown that [+]S -ibuprofen was the active form and it showed activity in both in-vivo and in-vitro. Ibuprofen is white to off-white in colour and occurs as a crystalline powder, with a melting point of 74 ° to 77 °C. It is practically insoluble in water, but readily soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol and acetone. Ibuprofen has a pKa value of 4.43 ±0.03 and an n-octanol/water partition coefficient of 11.7 at pH 7.4. The chemical name for ibuprofen is ( ±)-2-(p-iso-butylphenyl) propionic acid. The molecular weight of ibuprofen is 206.28. Its molecular formula is C13H1802. Mechanism of action The major action of Ibuprofen and all other Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and is the inhibition of the cyclooxygenase enzyme or the COX enzymes and hence inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins. These cyclooxygenase enzymes catalyse the reaction of synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxanes from arachidonic acid, which in turn is synthesized from phospholipids by the action of the phospholipase enzyme. The prostaglandins and thromboxanes are then responsible for the synthesis of various inflammatory mediators. There are two types of cyclooxygenase enzymes namely, cyclooxygenase enzyme-I (COX-I) and cyclooxygenase enzyme-II (COX-II). COX-I is a constitutive enzyme which is released in most of the body tissues including the blood platelets. COX-I performs a house-keeping role in the body and is involved in the tissue homeostasis. Whereas, COX-II is present in the inflammatory cells and is responsible for the production of prostanoid mediators, which are responsible for inf lammation, pain and fever. Therefore, inhibition of the COX-II leads to the anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic and analgesic activity of ibuprofen and whereas on the other hand, inhibition of COX-II is responsible for the unwanted effects of ibuprofen in the gastric mucosa and on platelet aggregation. In 2002, a study reported that, ibuprofen selectively inhibits a new variant  of the  COX enzyme that was totally different  from the  then known two variants of cyclooxygenase enzymes, the COX-I and  COX-II. This iso-enzyme is now referred as the COX-III enzyme. Study also showed that this COX-III enzyme was only expressed in the  brain and  in the  spinal cord. Its exact  mechanism  and actions is still poorly understood, but future research  may provide  further insight into how it works. A study on rats has shown that administration of ibuprofen increases the  bioavailability of serotonin (5-HT) in rats and evidence for a similar mechanism  in humans was also found. Chronic ibuprofen doses in rat showed down-regulation of central 5-HT2A receptors and  an increase  in the  number of serotonin transporter proteins. In 2006, a study showed that ibuprofen is converted to N-arachidonoyl phenolamine, or AM404, a compound known as an endogenous cannabinoid reuptake inhibitor and it indirectly activates the  CB-I cannabinoid receptor, resulting  in analgesia. This activity was proven through the  induction of a CB-I receptor antagonist  which  resulted in the  reversal of the  analgesic action  of ibuprofen. Pharmacokinetics Absorption Ibuprofen is well absorbed from the gastro intestinal tract. The peak plasma level of ibuprofen is reached within 1 to 2 hours. It was shown in a study that absorption of ibuprofen is faster in fasting conditions. Food affects the rate of absorption of ibuprofen but the extent of absorption remains unchanged. The study also showed that, ibuprofen when administered with food delays the time taken for peak plasma concentration by approximately 30-60 minutes. Distribution Ibuprofen like the other agents of its class is highly protein bound. It was found in a study that about 90-99% of ibuprofen was protein bound at a concentration of 20 µg/ml and this binding was non-linear. The volume of distribution ibuprofen changes with age and fever conditions. Studies reveal that febrile childrens less than 11 years old have volume of distribution approximately 0.2 L/kg, while adults have volume of distribution approximately 0.12 L/kg. Metabolism Ibuprofen is extensively metabolised in the liver to form inactive metabolic compounds. Ibuprofen is mainly metabolised by glucoronidation reaction. A study showed that majority of the ibuprofen dose was recovered in the urine as hydroxy phenyl propionic acid (25%) and carboxy propyl phenyl propionic acid (37%) metabolites. Elimination Ibuprofen and its inactive metabolites are rapidly and completely excreted by the kidney. About 95% of the administered dose of ibuprofen is eliminated in the urine. The elimination half-life of ibuprofen is in the range of 1.9 hours to 2 hours. Pharmacological activity Ibuprofen has the following pharmacological actions on the biological system Antipyretic effect Analgesic effect Anti-inflammatory effect Antipyretic effect A normal body temperature is regulated by a centre in the hypothalamus that ensures a balance between heat loss and heat production in the body. Therefore, the hypothalamus maintains a normal temperature of the body and thus it acts as a thermostat. When there is a disturbance in this hypothalamic thermostat, temperature of the body set by the hypothalamus is raised, fever occurs. Ibuprofen and other Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reset this rise in the temperature. It regulates various temperature regulatory mechanisms such as dilation of superficial blood vessels, sweating etc. to reduce the temperature. Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs do not affect the normal temperature. Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs are thought to act as antipyretic agents by inhibiting the prostaglandin production in the hypothalamus. During an inflammatory reaction, the bacterial endotoxins cause a release of a pyrogen-IL-1 from macrophages. This release of pyrogen stimulates the generation of E-type prostaglandins in the hypothalamus, this in turn causes the elevation of temperature. There are evidences that prostaglandins are not the only mediators of fever, hence ibuprofen and other NSAIDs may have some alternate mechanisms for their antipyretic activity which is not yet known. Analgesic effect Ibuprofen is mainly effective against pain associated with inflammation or tissue damage. This is due to the inhibition of prostaglandins that sensitise nociceptors to inflammatory mediators such as bradykinin. Therefore ibuprofen is effective against pains that are associated with increased prostaglandin synthesis. Their ability to relieve headache may be related to the inhibition of the vasodilator effect of prostaglandins on the cerebral vasculature. There are some evidences that ibuprofen have a central effect by an action mainly in the spinal cord where it inhibits the COX-III enzyme. This action of ibuprofen is not yet clearly known. Anti-inflammatory activity Many chemical mediators are released when there is a stimulus of an inflammatory and allergic response. This response leads to vasodilation, increased vascular permeability, cell accumulation, etc., which are produced by several mechanisms. Furthermore, different mediators may be of particular importance in different inflammatory and allergic conditions. Ibuprofen reduces mainly those components of the inflammatory and immune response in which mediators produced by COX-II enzyme action plays a significant part. The components inhibited by ibuprofen are vasodilation, oedema and pain. Ibuprofen has no effect on those processes which contribute to tissue damage as in chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis and nephritis. Uses of ibuprofen Ibuprofen is used to treat a wide range of illnesses such as headaches, backache, menstrual cramps, dental pain, neuralgia, rheumatic pain, muscular pain, migraine, arthritis and athletic injuries. Ibuprofen is also used to reduce fever and to relieve minor aches and pain caused due to common cold or flu.   In a recent study, it was found that ibuprofen was effective in the treatment of Alzheimers disease when given in low doses over a long period of time. A study also showed that ibuprofen is associated with a lower risk of Parkinsons disease, and ibuprofen may help in delaying and prevent it. . Adverse effects of Ibuprofen Ibuprofen appears to have  the  lowest  incidence of adverse  drug  reactions  (ADRs)  when compared to all other  non-selective  NSAIDs. However, this only holds  true  at lower doses of ibuprofen. Common adverse  effects of ibuprofen with the gastrointestinal tract include nausea, dyspepsia, heartburn, gastrointestinal ulceration and bleeding, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, stomach pain. Effects on central nervous system include headache, dizziness, fatigue and nervousness. Hypersensitivity reactions include skin rashes, itching. In very rare cases ex-foliative dermatitis and epidermal necrolysis has been observed. Infrequent  adverse  effect includes- oesophageal ulceration, heart failure, hyperkalaemia, renal impairment, confusion,  bronchospasm, and  salt and  fluid retention [11] Photosensitivity Like the other agents of the NSAIDs,  ibuprofen has also been reported to be  a photosensitising  agent.[12][13]  However, this only rarely occurs with ibuprofen and  it is considered to be  a very weak photosensitising  agent  when compared with other members of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This is because the  ibuprofen molecule contains  only a single phenyl moiety and  no  bond  conjugation,  resulting  in a very weak chromophore system and  a very weak absorption spectrum  which  does not reach  into the  solar spectrum. Cardiovascular risk Ibuprofen has been reported to elevate the  risk  of myocardial infarction,  particularly among  those taking chronically  high  doses of ibuprofen [14] Risk in pregnancy Studies have  found an increased risk  of miscarriage  with the  use of ibuprofen in early pregnancy; however, there are no thorough findings in  this association.  There are also  concerns  that drugs such  as ibuprofen may interfere with implantation of the  early foetus, although a clear risk has not been established. When ibuprofen is used as directed in the  first  and  second trimester of pregnancy,  it is not associated with an increased risk  for birth defects. However, ibuprofen is generally not used  during  pregnancy because there are concerns  with their  use during  the  third trimester. Ibuprofen Overdose Ibuprofen is the most commonly and widely used Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent all over the world. Since, ibuprofen was licensed as an over the counter drug, ibuprofen overdose became a common phenomenon. The most common symptoms of ibuprofen overdose are unsteadiness, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, gastrointestinal, nausea plus vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach pain, probable loss of blood in intestinal areas or stomach or both, headache, agitation, drowsiness, incoherence and confusion etc. Sometimes more serious symptoms are also noticed in some victims, such as seizure, gastrointestinal bleeding, metabolic acidosis, respiratory depression, hyperkalaemia, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, coma, hepatic dysfunction, renal failure, cyanosis, and cardiac arrest etc., however these symptoms are very rare. The  severity of symptoms varies with the ingested dose  and  the  time elapsed. However, individual sensitivity also plays  an important  role. Generally,  the  symptoms observed with an overdose  of ibuprofen are similar to the  symptoms caused by  an overdose of other NSAIDs. Doses of ibuprofen below 100 mg/kg are less likely to produce any toxic effects. But doses of ibuprofen above 400 mg/kg are considered an overdose and can result into any of the above consequences.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Hong 1 Rebecca Hong Ms. Geers English 10H/4 17 January 2014 People Make Choices, Choices Make History The five major types of people involved in any genocide or human rights abuse---perpetrators, victims, bystanders, rescuers, and upstanders---all shape history. People’s choices are always hugely influential in historical events, and the Holocaust is no exception. The perpetrators of the Holocaust were arguably the most influential of the five types of people. They were able to get millions of Germans to turn a blind eye to millions of crimes against humanity. By taking advantage of historical Jewish oppression, utilizing propaganda and censorship to create a strong dominant discourse preaching anti-Semitism in Germany, and creating various us-them mentalities, the perpetrators of the Holocaust changed the identities of bystanders, shaped their choices, and changed history. Bystanders were one of the most pivotal groups of the Holocaust. As Elie Wiesel reminds us, â€Å"The victims perished not only because of the killers, but also because of the apathy of the bystander†¦Those who perished were victims of Nazism and of society† (Why Were There So Few). For the most part, German civilians turned a blind eye, allowing the Holocaust to happen. As a German bystander later recalled, â€Å"If I had refused to take the oath [of loyalty] in 1935, it would have meant that thousands and thousands like me, all over Germany, were refusing to take it. Their refusal would have heartened millions. Thus, the regime would have been overthrown, or, indeed, would never have come to power in the first place†¦Thousands, hundreds of Hong 2 thousands†¦were also unprepared [to resist]†¦Thus, the world was lost† (Do You Take the Oath?). How could milli... ...zens were capable of standing by in the face of genocide. Anti-Semitism was everywhere, and censorship meant that dissent was nowhere to be found. The identities of bystanders changed; the constant propaganda forced Nazi ideology into their identities. As Holocaust survivor Garmaine Pitchon stated, â€Å"I don’t hate the Germans. The Germans are good people. The only people I hate are Hitler and Mengele†¦they killed my family† (Auschwitz, Evil at Play). The perpetrators of the Holocaust are ultimately the ones who corrupted civilians and turned them into bystanders. The perpetrators bombarded the German citizens with propaganda until they â€Å"internalized Nazi allegations†¦[and] excluded entire groups from their universe of obligation† (Vashem), giving in to the dominant discourse of the time. The perpetrators successfully brainwashed millions, in order to kill millions more.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Characters, Setting, and Symbols of Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Co

     Ã‚  Ã‚   Beyond the shield of civilization and into the depths of a primitive, untamed frontier lies the true face of the human soul. It is in the midst of this savagery and unrelenting danger that mankind confronts the brooding nature of his inner self.   Joseph Conrad’s novel, Heart of Darkness, is the story of one man's insight into life as he embarks on a voyage to the edges of the world. Here, he meets the bitter, yet enlightening forces that eventually shape his outlook on life and his own individuality. Conrad’s portrayal of the characters, setting, and symbols, allow the reader to reflect on the true nature of man. The two main characters in Heart of Darkness, Marlow and Kurtz are used to show the true nature of man, that is, the capacity for good and evil within humanity. The central character is a thirty two year old sailor, Charlie Marlow. Marlow is the primary narrator in the novel, therefore his thought’s, opinions, experiences and revelations, shape the entire novels themes and the value system put forward. Marlow illustrates how forces of light and darkness serve to weave the human soul together; thus, essentially how good and evil are reflected in an individual. This is particularly important regarding the construction of Marlow, who is essentially a biased narrator, and a product of his European upbringing. An example is his inability to deal with the dying natives at the â€Å"grove of death†, offering a native a biscuit as an apparent kind gesture. Yet this is only due to him not being confronted with situations like this previously where his own values, and the whole p remise behind colonialism, the exploitation is revealed. The patriarchial views of women he displays also outline the background of Marlow and the a... ...o man can live on the island without becoming a brutal savage. Inside his heart lies the raw evil of untamed lifestyle" (Heart of Darkness: A systematic evaluation).    Works Cited "The Congo" Created December 07, 1995. Web. 23 February 2007. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: Penguin, 1999. Print. "The Fear" Created December 07, 1995. Web. 9 February 2007. "Heart of Darkness: A systematic evaluation of the darkness inherent in men's souls" "The Perfect Native" Created December 07, 1995. Web. 12 February 2007. "The Setting" Created December 07, 1995. Web. 12 February 2007.    Works Consulted Goonetilleke, D.C.R.A. "Heart of Darkness: Overview." Literature Resources from Gale. Gale, 1994. Web. 18 February 2007. Loe, Thomas. "Heart of Darkness: Overview." Literature Resources from Gale. Gale, 1991. Web. 12 February 2007.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Metafiction and Happy Endings (Margaret Atwood) Essay

A. Definition: The narrator of a metafictional work will call attention to the writing process itself. The reader is never to forget that what she is reading is constructed–not natural, not â€Å"real.† She is never to get â€Å"lost† in the story. B. Possible Contents: intruding to comment on writing involving his or herself with fictional characters directly addressing the reader openly questioning how narrative assumptions and conventions transform and filter reality, trying to ultimately prove that no singular truths or meanings exist C. General Characteristics Metafiction often employs intertextual references and allusions by: examining fictional systems; incorporating aspects of both theory and criticism; creating biographies of imaginary writers; presenting and discussing fictional works of an imaginary character. Authors of metafiction often violate narrative levels by: intruding to comment on writing; involving his or herself with fictional characters; directly addressing the reader; openly questioning how narrative assumptions and conventions transform and filter reality, trying to ultimately prove that no singular truths or meanings exist Metafiction also uses unconventional and experimental techniques by: rejecting conventional plot; refusing to attempt to become â€Å"real life†; subverting conventions to transform reality into a highly suspect concept; flaunting and exaggerating foundations of their instability; displaying reflexivity (the dimension present in all literary texts and also central to all literary analysis, a function which enables the reader to understand the processes by which he or she reads the world as a text). It also poses questions about the relationship between fiction and reality by drawing attention to its characteristic as an artifact by itself. No sense of reality in its entire spectrum as a genre even though the extremes of each end are minute acceptance and merely exploration of fictionality to the other end being utter denial of reality itself. D. Examples: Adams, Douglas. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. 1979. Mitchell, David. Cloud Atlas. 2004. HAPPY ENDINGS A. Characters: The author uses common names for the characters which allows him the versatility of putting them into different situations. Doing so supports the way the author puts much importance on what happens during the story instead of how it ends. John one of the most common boy names, has ranged from musicians (John Lennon), to leaders (John F Kennedy), to philosophers (John Locke) etc. This can emphasize the author’s use of putting the character into different contexts, changing the plot and how he plays different roles, yet emphasizes that it all ends the same (death). -Idea that the ending of a story is always the same, but only the middle matters In the story he is a loving husband, adulterous partner, womanizer Mary meaning of the name Mary is: Wished-for child; rebellion; bitter. Famous Bearers: the Virgin Mary; Mary Magdalene; Mary, Queen of Scots. Also shows how the author putes his characters in different situations. James -minor character Fred – minor character Madge – minor character B. Setting: The author employs the use of place as setting in the story. Various examples of setting seen in the story are an apartment, as seen in story B, and a â€Å"charming house,† as seen in story A, C and As seen in the line, â€Å"Remember, this is Canada. You’ll still end up with A, though in between you may get a lustful brawling saga of passionate involvement, a chronicle of our times, sort of,† the setting of the story and each of its segments is a medium for what each character does before he reaches the end. The setting of the story could have an influence on what one could do before he dies, the end which everyone eventually reaches. This is seen in the story wherein each segment (letters) had different bodies of story, yet everything â€Å"continues as in A† in which the characters live on with their lives then die. D. Concepts: Ex: How do elements in the story help to create meaning? Like: setting, tone, imagery, symbol, irony, etc Metafiction in Happy Endings The author tackles the â€Å"What?† question in the writing process through his story Happy Endings. He goes through many scenarios but shows us that the conclusion to each scenario is the same. The question â€Å"What?† only leads to the ending of the story which we already know will be the same. The important things to ask rather are â€Å"How?† and â€Å"Why?†. These questions make up the middle of the story, the events that happen, the part that counts. Textual Irony Title is Happy Endings but the real endings are al the same and result in death Conflict Is always changing depending on the situation given. Always has something to with the subject of love. SYMBOLS E. Title â€Å"Happy Endings† Most people usually focus on the ending of a story Everyone wants a happy ending, but in reality we all meet an equal end which is that we eventually die There is no such thing as a happy ending. All are the same in which we all eventually pass away. What matters is what is done as we reach the end. F. Theme What matters the most in the story is not the ending, but what what we do on the way there, because we can change our situations by choosing to act in the present, but not matter what you do you can’t change your inevitable end. RANDOM NOTES Margaret Atwood’s Happy Endings is an illustration of the idea that the ending of a story is always the same, but only the middle matters. And Love plays an important factor in all scenarios. SYNOPSIS: It includes six stories in one, each ending with death. The author believes that this is the only sure ending to anything. The stories are all inter-related, containing the same characters and similar actions. Behind the obvious meaning of these seemingly pointless stories lies a deeper and more profound meaning†¦. What is the common denominator between all these scenarios? In case you missed it, Atwood sums it up in her concluding remarks. ‘John and Mary die. John and Mary die. John and Mary die.’ ‘ Happy Endings’ forces us to question the point of life. Every story, carried to its ultimate logical conclusion, has the same ending, because all lives have the same ending. We may die in the heat of battle; we may die in our sleep. We may die in infancy, in a gang war, in a nursing home. But we’re going to die. The story isn’t in the ending — it’s in what we do on the way there. RESOURCES USED characters themes (online copy: ) View as multi-pages

Thursday, October 10, 2019

News Media

Rena Hermez RWS 100 Prof. Costello Nov. 29, 2009 News Media Media have tremendous power in setting cultural guidelines and in shaping political discourse. It is essential that news media is challenged to be unbiased and truthful. Most many people find news whether on TV, newspaper, or magazines to be politically bias. Michael Parenti, the author of Inventing Reality, asserts that the news can be bias towards political issues by using the â€Å"Methods of Misrepresentation† (Parenti 53). This includes: â€Å"Framing and Labeling†, â€Å"Selectivity and Deliberate Omission†, â€Å"The Greying of Reality†, â€Å"Auxiliary Embellishments†, and â€Å"Placement† (Parenti). These methods are used to serve the private news conglomerates and our country interests instead of the public interests. Therefore, the news content became politically biased. Moreover, the past decade has seen more change in the craft of news media than perhaps any other. Since the news conglomerates took over local papers and stations, news became less relevant and more for entrainment. The more news is entertaining to its audience, the more money for the news conglomerates and the shareholders. Thus, news is not as important to the lives of audience as they once were. The issue of economy is very crucial topic in the U. S. However, many news networks misrepresents the public interest by placing the article in the most secluded pages in the newspaper. For instance, the article, â€Å"Economists question accuracy of picture from economic data†, by New York Times Service, in the San Diego Union Tribune newspaper, discusses how the government’s picture of the economic data has a wide gap from the reality. It also explains why the government miscalculated the data, and gave a brief explanation on how to calculate it correctly. Since this article rectifys the government, San Diego Union Tribune decided to publish it on page A6 with advertising Ads. This is an example of â€Å"Placement† because as important as this issue has been to the public, the San Diego Union Tribune published the story in a place that is hidden from the readers view. Most people would never see it if they were just glossing the pages. According Parenti â€Å"troublesome stories that are not suppressed, ignored [†¦ still can be buried in obscure places. Placement is often used for the greying of reality†(Parenti 58). Another method of misrepresentation that occurs often in the news media is omission. Omission occurs when important information is not reported or is reported incompletely. likewise, Parenti defines it as, â€Å" sometimes the unmentioned includes not just particular details of he s tory but the entire story itself- even ones about major events† (Parenti 54). An example of suppressed issue in the mainstream press is that of the former Vice President Dick Cheney’s speech on October 21, 2009. He gave an important speech about the Center for Security Policy, and it was not televised on any American news or network. Not even Fox News televised this speech. They have, however, posted the speech on their website. Perhaps this deliberate omission of this speech from the news networks occurred because the Bush Administration became less powerful since too many people lost trust in it. Thus, when this particle example was omitted, than we are getting a skewed or biased perspective from Fox News network. Since big conglomerates bought news networks, the definition of â€Å"news† have changed for the past few decades because the profit motives. Before, news was information that is of broad interest to the intended audience. Today, â€Å"news production distortions are of a more political nature and reveal a pattern of bias that favors the dominate class of interests and statist ideology† (Parenti 53). When the president of ABC news was asked â€Å"how has the standard for what qualifies is news has changed because of the pressure profit motives? He responds back by saying it has changed and broadened and not lowered† (News War). An example of â€Å"broaden† news is â€Å"Palin visits Florida town that feted her in 2008† on MSNBC website headline news. This news report made it to the headline not because the public is interested in where Sara Palin visit, but because news produces want more news to fill up the page and to make more profit. Now days, anything can be made news as long as there is a video and a story line that goes with it. Thus, the issue of profit motives serve big conglomerates interest and not the public nterest as it once was. News media definition have shifted from public interest news to profit motive news, from fair and truthful news to political bias and inaccurate news. We live in a time where newspapers are not sufficient anymore, internet and TV are easier to access and cost less. However, it is very difficult to supply enough news to fill a whole page of website and a whole hour of TV news. Thus, to make profit the internet and TV, big private conglomerates decided to soften the news content to occupy the extra time thats left from the real important news. News content became more politically biassed, more entertaining, and more profitable. News is being selectively â€Å"siding with those who have powers, position, and wealthy†(Parenti 54). By covering news, politics, weather, sports, entertainment, and vital events, the daily media shape the dominant cultural, social and political picture of our society, only, instead of the real important issues of the cultural, social, and political picture of our society. Works Cited New York Times Service. â€Å"Economists Question Accuracy of Picture from Economic Data. San Diego Union Tribune 9 Nov. 2009: A6. News War: What’s Happening to the News. Prods. Stephen Talbot and Lowell Bergman. Frontline. PBS. WGBH Educational Foundation, 2007. â€Å"Palin visits Florida town that feted her in 2008. † 24 Nov. 2009. MSNBC. 24 Nov. 2009 . Parenti, Michael. Inventing Reality. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993. New York Times Service. â€Å"Economists Question Accuracy of Picture from Economic Data. † San Diego Union Tribune 9 Nov. 2009: A6. â€Å"RAW DATA: Dick Cheney's Remarks to the Center for Security Policy. † 21 Oct. 2009. FOX News. 24 Nov. 2009 . News Media They are often misrepresented by editors in order to make them more appealing to the viewer. For example, take this Big Mac from McDonald's. Here, advertisers have used a false portrayal of the real Big Mac to manipulate It's viewers to want to the buy their product. Similarly to advertises misleading us, so too does the media In their depiction of conveying real life Issues and events through the use of language features. Good morning/afternoon fellow classmates, today I am here to discuss the misrepresentations displayed in news articles.Recently, there has been a controversy between bikes and Campbell Newsman's new anti-bike laws. In the articles titled This Brisbane man posted a menacing video warning the premier. Police say he's done nothing wrong' by Robin Ironsides, and ‘Senior police packing heat' by Thomas Chamberlain and David Murray, both authors convey an unfair representation of the groups of bikes within society. These groups are often marginal's and authors portr ay them negatively based upon stereotypes. Together, these articles demonstrate the Inaccurate representations of bless as minorities.The article Senior police packing heat' published by the Courier Mall on the 1 lath of November (201 3), describes the Queensland Police battle against the belle legislation. Through closer examination, It Is clear that the authors, Thomas Chamberlain and David Murray have created a biased depiction of motorcycle groups though the utilization of language techniques such as evaluative language, repetition and actions. The headings of newspaper articles are considered to be one of the most important aspects of the text as it aims to engage and catch the reader's attention.The title Senior police packing heat' is a great example of an attention grabbing heading; however, it incorporates a negative connotation about motorcycle groups. The phrase â€Å"packing heat,† is quite alarming as it coincides with the Queensland Police Union's action to take stand in preparation for their fight against the bless. Here, Chamberlain and Murray have stereotyped all forms of motorcycle gangs to perceive them as criminals, or Involved In criminal activity. As a result, the government has made legislations against the entire belle population to stop their true as motorcyclists in order to prevent violent and illegal acts.The authors have also used repetition and actions to clearly show Queensland bikes as an infamous group to reinforce to the reader about their destructive prominence in society. Through the actions of Commissioner Ian Stewart, Chamberlain and Murray have successfully showed the Queensland Police Unions considerations to â€Å"allow some district duty officers to carry RE . 223 carbines with telescopic sights in their vehicles. † â€Å"These are very, very high powered weapons and they need to be handled very, very ruefully. The repetition of â€Å"very,† emphasizes the dangers and threats posed to us by the bi kes and outlines how much care â€Å"SENIOR police† should take. This showcases that the people Involved in motorcycle groups are considered to be criminals and or Involved In criminal actively as their behavior in society Is alleged to be Illegal. Similarly, the article entitled ‘This Brisbane man posted a menacing video warning the Premier. Police say he's done nothing wrong' Published by the to Premier Campbell Newman and his family.However, after deconstructing the article, it is clearly shown that investigators could not identify any signs of criminal offence behind the menacing video. Through the utilization of language features such as emotive language and intensifiers, Ironsides has portrayed the offender as a mysterious man alleged to be involved in criminal activities. This emotive language is depicted in the second stanza of the article. Ironsides states that the â€Å"Queensland Police Service confirmed investigators† that the man responsible was not persecuted of any illegal acts.This indicates that the man behind the online video criticizing the State Governments â€Å"anti-bike laws† has not been found to commit any signs of criminal offence. Despite this, the author has created an undesirable representation of motorcycle minorities through the use of intensifiers. She writes that the â€Å"masked man† involved in the online video criticized the Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment. † This implies that although the man was not committed of any lawless offence, he was assumed to be a dangerous figure in society.Here, the author has represented this group of people in a negative manner through a careful election of deceptive techniques. To reinforce this statement, Ironsides has incorporated a visual element in her article that portrays the alleged offender to have committed the series of threats to Campbell Newman and his family. This picture displays the masked man giving an inappropriate gesture t owards authority, therefore, reinforcing our negative perceptions of bike groups. Every day, journalists are entrusted with the task of delivering unbiased events and issues to the public.However, editors regularly bypass this expectation, and instead serpentine the story to what was actually being conveyed in order to manipulate readers to perceive something the way they want you to. This technique was used by Robin Ironsides in her article titled ‘This Brisbane man posted a menacing video warning the Premier. Police say he's done nothing wrong,' and Thomas Chamberlain and David Murray in their article ‘Senior police packing heat'. In these articles both authors have represented bike minorities in a bias and negative manner. They have portrayed all motorcyclists groups as criminals who are involved in illegal activities.